DevCom as a participant of the Career Forum at Lviv University

DevCom as a participant of the Career Forum at Lviv University

Home / News / DevCom as a participant of the Career Forum at Lviv University
Posted on April 27, 2021

Earlier this month, DevCom became an official partner for the Career Forum of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, we also were involved as a participant in this event. This is a large-scale annual event with the goal of bringing together student’s youth, employers, and placement officers. Due to quarantine restrictions, this year the Career Forum 2021 was held in an online format, however, it was no less intense than in previous years. During the two days of the Forum, dozens of students from different cities of Ukraine communicated with leading employers and learned about the best practices in a job search.

On the part of DevCom, as the speaker of this event addressing Oleh Hlushko – HR Lead.

Career Forum Oleh


A large part of the discussion focused on the importance of developing soft skills, that is, communication and adaptive skills, which employers are now paying special attention to. It has been argued that this trend will be present for a long time, therefore the speakers advised students not to neglect the work on their self-esteem, confidence, the ability to highlight and “sell” their advantages, not to be afraid to work in a team, but also to be able to take responsibility for themselves.

During the discussion, the participants were able to discuss all the known changes in the modern employment market, as well as highlight the opportunities for young people regarding employment in certain areas.

Career Forum partner


Everyone was convinced that effective interaction between the university and the employer is impossible without fruitful communication with the students, constant analysis of current trends, and taking into account the needs of the parties.

All videos from the “Career Forum” are available on the University’s YouTube channel.

We were glad to have the opportunity to participate in such an interesting and informative event, at the same time we hope that our cooperation will continue to be effective and useful.


About DevCom

DevCom is a full-service software development company based in Lviv, Ukraine. DevCom offices are located in Florida, USA.

Main areas of expertise: Software and application development for ISVs and companies of all sizes, from small businesses to international groups.

The company provides a full range of IT consulting services, from the development of a product idea to its final implementation. He specializes in the areas of Cloud / DevOps, Web / Mobile / Desktop, SaaS, BI / Analytics and UI / UX, with a focus on five main market segments – healthcare, logistics, fintech, retail and non-profit organizations.

Read more about the IT company DevCom here.

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