DevCom Joined Norwegian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (NUCC)

DevCom Joined Norwegian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (NUCC)

Home / News / DevCom Joined Norwegian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (NUCC)
Posted on February 26, 2020

DevCom Joined Norwegian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (NUCC)Starting from 2020, DevCom is a member of the Norwegian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (NUCC) – a non-profit association established to encourage business relations between Ukraine and Norway. 

The IT outsourcing industry has traditionally been the most important sector within Norwegian-Ukrainian trade. NUCC was established in 2008 to stimulate increased commercial cooperation between Norway and Ukraine and to promote members’ business interests. The organization has tight contacts among authorities in Norway and Ukraine, and work closely with both the Ukrainian Embassy in Oslo and the Norwegian Embassy in Kyiv.

DevCom has already partnered with many Nordic companies and entrepreneurs. After participating in the Ukrainian IT Trade Mission to Norway in 2019, we decided to join NUCC to continue developing commercial relations between Ukrainian and Norwegian companies. Being a part of Norwegian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, the company is aimed at strengthening relationships with Norwegian business partners and contributing to business development in our countries.

DevCom has been on the IT market since 2000 and employs over 100 qualified software engineers in Lviv – one of the largest tech hubs in Ukraine.  We are working mostly with the outsourcing/outstuff model and specialize in Cloud/DevOps, web/mobile/desktop development. Basically, we’re helping companies to overcome high development costs and talent shortage in locations like Norway, and this has worked well for our Nordic clients.

We take pride in the cooperation with Nordic partners on a long-time basis and believe there are immense opportunities in increased collaboration within the IT industry.

DevCom is open to collaboration and keens on developing innovative digital solutions for any purpose. If you would like to find out more, feel free to contact our experts.

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