DevCom's Actions Against COVID-19

DevCom's Actions Against COVID-19

Home / News / DevCom's Actions Against COVID-19
Posted on March 13, 2020

DevCom is taking steps to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).
We do our part by ensuring the safety of our employees and providing technology and resources to help them do their best work while remote.
We remain with the usual communication with customers and control remote development operations, their timely and efficient results daily.

➣ Our quarantine extends until April 24. 
➣ The company continues working in a routine operational mode 

DevCom’s Actions Against COVID-2019

Describing COVID-19 as a pandemic does not mean that the IT industry should give up. DevCom has taken into account a broad perspective of serving our clients globally, and we decided to share on how we’re making sure our customers can rely on us even in these times.

COVID-19 is a controllable pandemic, that forced us to take a comprehensive approach tailored to the circumstances and to put everyone’s health at first.  So far, we haven’t faced any incident related to COVID-19. To prevent such incidents, we are focusing on the following areas:

DevCom's Actions Against COVID-19 1

Protecting the health of our employees.

  • ⇒ We have taken the decision to introduce a distributed-work model and ensure that, unless absolutely necessary, employees will #WorkFromHome. We encourage you to do the same.
  • ⇒ We encourage our employees to use their sick days if they don’t feel well.
  • ⇒ We are canceling business trips and participation at events.
  • ⇒ We have implemented additional cleaning & remediation services to curb infection in the office.


Ensuring the smooth and continuous business operation remotely.

  • ⇒ For DevCom, as for an outsourcing service provider, remote communication with clients is a daily routine situation. Remote teamwork is just a new opportunity and a new challenge for us. 
  • ⇒ Our software engineers are ready to provide continuous quality work from home.
  • ⇒ Our management team remains with the usual communication with customers and controls remote development operations, their timely and efficient results daily.


We monitor the current situation and takes severe precautions to avoid any negative impact.

The restrictions are open until 24 April but we will reevaluate every week and adopt according to the world and domestic recommendations and regulations

Should you have any questions regarding DevCom, please feel free to contact us

We wish you and your family to stay healthy!

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