DevCom's 2021 in Review

DevCom's 2021 in Review

Home / News / DevCom's 2021 in Review
Posted on December 31, 2021

Many things have changed over the past 365 days, and we have a lot to remember! Winning awards, participating in global events, mastering new technologies, implementing innovative approaches and, of course, creating best-in-class software solutions for our clients!


Time to see how we will remember this outgoing year for DevCom company:

Amid the persistence of the pandemic, business and society pushed ahead on the recovery and began shifting toward sustainable, inclusive growth. And DevCom also continues growing: the number of our employees is increasing, and new exciting projects appear.

We have regular Tech Talks every month, where our employees share their helpful knowledge in a particular area of their expertise. It helps us stay up-to-date in using technology and become better communicators in the working environment.

This year we have structured most of the company and will continue to structure it into business units. Creating an efficient business unit model helps us assign specific tasks to departments in order to streamline work and achieve overall goals.

DevCom this year has gained two crucial recognitions from Clutch for an outstanding experience in software development in 2021:

5-Star Ratings on Clutch for AWS System Transformation
DevCom as Among the Top 1000 Global B2B Companies for 2021

This spring DevCom became a partner for the Career Forum of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. We also were involved in “IT week at Lviv University“, which became part of the international event “IT week”. It was a 5-day lasted online event, where the university students had an excellent opportunity to communicate and get valuable advice from representatives of leading IT companies in our city.

DevCom became an official partner for the Career Forum of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, we also were involved as a participant in this event. This is a large-scale annual event with the goal of bringing together students’ youth, employers, and placement officers. Due to quarantine restrictions, this year the Career Forum 2021 was held in an online format, however, it was no less intense than in previous years. During the two days of the Forum, dozens of students from different cities of Ukraine communicated with leading employers and learned about the best practices in a job search.

Additional reading:

DevCom soccer team has shown and continues showing excellent performance as a participant in the IT-League Lviv Tournament. Time after time our team won with an impressive game score. We are very proud of them and also wish them further success.

We have created chess online IT community for employees of our company, which brings together the company’s representatives – regardless of technologies and frameworks, positions and specializations, project complexity, and level of seniority. DevCom Chess Tournaments are a great opportunity not only to communicate with colleagues but also to compete for the championship and receive gifts.


DevCom team thanks all of our clients, partners, and friends for this notable year. We invite you to enjoy the ride and to create a fruitful experience trip with DevCom in 2022!

Contact us to start the conversation about how DevCom can partner with your company to achieve your innovation and digital transformation business initiatives.

Here’s to 2022! Happy New Year!

ChristmasNew Year

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