State Management in Angular Using NgRx

State Management in Angular Using NgRx

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Posted on September 19, 2024

Managing the state of an application is crucial for building complex, large-scale applications. In Angular, state management becomes essential when handling large-scale projects where multiple components need to share and synchronize data. One of the most popular solutions for state management in Angular is NgRx, a powerful Angular state management library that facilitates a unidirectional data flow. This article delves into Angular state management with NgRx, discussing its core principles, how it works, and how to build a simple Angular app using NgRx.

Understanding State Management

​​State management refers to the systematic handling of an application’s state – its data at any given moment. In an Angular application, this includes critical information such as user data, UI statuses, and other contextual elements. Effective state management is crucial for maintaining consistency, ensuring predictability in behavior, and simplifying the debugging process, ultimately leading to a more robust and maintainable application.

Overview of NgRx

​​NgRx is a powerful, reactive state management library designed specifically for Angular applications. Built on the principles of the Redux pattern and leveraging the reactive capabilities of RxJS, NgRx offers a comprehensive suite of tools for managing application state, handling side effects, and efficiently managing entity collections, ensuring a scalable and maintainable approach to state management.

What is state management in Angular

In simple terms, state management refers to how you manage the data or “state” of an application. The state encompasses the current condition of various variables, user inputs, configurations, and UI elements. As an application grows in complexity, state management ensures that changes are properly handled and reflected across different parts of the application. This is especially important for complex applications, where multiple components need to share and synchronize data in real-time.

In Angular state management, it becomes vital to structure how state is handled, especially when dealing with data that needs to be shared between various components. Traditional methods like services or Observables are effective but can lead to challenges such as state duplication or data inconsistencies. This is where specialized libraries like NgRx come into play.

What is NgRx?

NgRx is a framework for state management in Angular built on the principles of Redux. It provides a way to manage global and local application states in a predictable manner. NgRx works by maintaining a single source of truth (the store) that holds the state of the application.

NgRx is especially useful in large-scale Angular applications where you need consistent data handling across components. It helps in reducing the complexity associated with Angular state management best practices by enabling centralized control and reducing the risk of state inconsistencies.

NgRx. State management architecture

NgRx provides a robust state management solution for Angular applications, enabling developers to manage application states in a reactive and maintainable way. The architecture of NgRx is based on the principles of Redux, offering a unidirectional data flow and a clear separation of concerns. Below are the key components of the NgRx architecture:

1. Store:

The Store acts as the central repository for the application’s state, serving as a single source of truth. This centralization is crucial for enabling predictable state management, as it allows developers to understand the current state of the application at any given time. By consolidating the state in one location, the Store also facilitates debugging and testing processes, allowing for a more streamlined approach to identifying and resolving issues within the application.

1. Store

2. Actions:

Actions represent payloads of information that signify events or changes within the application. Each action encapsulates the intent to modify the state, providing a clear and structured way for different parts of the application to communicate. This clarity promotes maintainability and scalability, as developers can easily track how state transitions occur in response to user interactions or other events. Actions are typically defined as constant types, often accompanied by an optional payload to convey additional data.

2. Actions

3. Reducers:

educers are pure functions responsible for managing state transitions based on the actions dispatched to the Store. By taking the current state and an incoming action as parameters, reducers compute and return a new state. This functional approach ensures that state transitions are predictable, consistent, and devoid of side effects. It also aids in maintaining the integrity of the application state, as reducers always return a new state without mutating the existing one, fostering a functional programming paradigm that enhances testability and reliability.

3. Reducers

4. Selectors:

Selectors are specialized functions designed to extract specific slices of state from the Store. They serve as efficient mechanisms for querying the state, enabling components to retrieve only the data they require. This targeted approach significantly enhances performance, as it minimizes unnecessary re-renders and optimizes the application’s rendering process. By encapsulating the logic for selecting data, selectors also promote code reusability and separation of concerns, allowing developers to maintain a clean and organized codebase.

4. Selectors

5. Effects:

Effects are services that manage side effects within an NgRx application, such as handling asynchronous operations and interacting with external APIs. They listen for specific actions dispatched from the Store and perform corresponding tasks, ensuring that these side effects are handled outside of reducers. This separation of concerns helps maintain the purity of the application state while allowing for complex operations, such as data fetching and error handling, to be executed in a controlled manner. By leveraging effects, developers can enhance the scalability and maintainability of their applications, as well as improve the overall user experience.

5. Effects

Together, these components allow developers to manage the state of an Angular application in a structured and consistent manner, making it easier to track state changes, debug issues, and implement new features.

Angular application in a structured and consistent manner

How NgRx works

NgRx works by following a unidirectional data flow pattern, where the state is managed in a single source of truth—the store. Here’s a high-level overview of how NgRx works:

  1. Dispatching Actions: When a user interacts with the application, such as clicking a button or submitting a form, an action is dispatched. An action is a simple object that describes the event and may contain additional data.
  2. Reducers Handling Actions: The dispatched action is passed to a reducer, a pure function that takes the current state and the action as arguments. The reducer processes the action and returns a new state based on the action’s payload.
  3. Updating the Store: The new state returned by the reducer is used to update the store. The store holds the entire application state and provides a single source of truth for the application’s data.
  4. Selectors Querying the Store: Selectors are used to extract specific pieces of state from the store, making it easy to retrieve data for components. Components subscribe to selectors to get the latest state and render the UI accordingly.
  5. Handling Side Effects with Effects: Some actions require asynchronous operations, such as API calls. Effects handle these side effects by intercepting actions, performing the necessary operations, and dispatching new actions based on the result.

How to Build a Simple Angular App using NgRx Store

Now, let’s walk through building a basic Angular app using NgRx for Angular state management. 

NgRx simplifies state handling in complex applications, particularly when managing network requests. By utilizing effects, you can manage asynchronous operations like API calls without complicating component logic. This separation allows for a cleaner architecture and a more maintainable application structure, ensuring that network requests are handled outside the core business logic, which helps prevent side effects from impacting the application’s state directly.

This step-by-step guide will help you understand how to implement a store, dispatch actions, and manage state changes efficiently.

  • Step 1: Installing NgRx

    Start by installing the NgRx library in your Angular project. Run the following command:

    ng add @ngrx/store

    This command installs the NgRx dependencies and configures your app to start using the NgRx store for managing states.

  • Step 2: Creating the Store

    Next, define your state and actions. For example, create a simple state to manage a counter value. Start by defining the state interface and actions in a new file called counter.actions.ts:

    Creating the Store

    The above code defines two actions for incrementing and decrementing a counter.

  • Step 3: Registering the NgRx store

    Now, you need to register the NgRx store in your app module (app.module.ts). Import the StoreModule from NgRx and register your reducer:

    Registering the NgRx store

    The StoreModule.forRoot() function registers the root state of the application. The counterReducer manages the updates to the state whenever actions like increment or decrement are dispatched.

  • Step 4: Using the NgRx store

    Now that the store is set up, you can use it in your components. Inject the Store service into your component and use selectors to retrieve the state and dispatch actions:

    Using the NgRx store

    This component subscribes to the counter state and renders its value. The increment and decrement methods dispatch actions to modify the state.

Patterns and other libraries

Facade Pattern for NgRx

The Facade Pattern is an architectural design pattern that simplifies the interaction with complex systems. In the context of NgRx, the Facade pattern decouples NgRx from the rest of the application by providing a simplified interface for state management. It masks NgRx actions as method calls and exposes selectors as properties of type Observable, making it easier for components to interact with the state without needing to understand the intricacies of NgRx.

This approach enhances code readability and maintainability by allowing developers to work with a higher-level abstraction, thereby reducing dependencies on the NgRx store and making it easier to test components in isolation.


NGxS (NgRx Store) is a pattern and library that encapsulates the concepts of state management in Angular applications using NgRx. Here are the key components of NGxS:

  • Store: Acts as a global state container that manages the application state, dispatches actions, and provides a means to select slices of state through selectors.
  • Actions: These are classes that describe the type of action to take within the application, along with any associated metadata required for that action. Actions are typically defined using a specific structure, often including a type and payload.
  • State: Represents the structure and definition of the application’s state. It defines the various properties and their types, helping to ensure that the state is predictable and type-safe.
  • Selectors: Functions or properties that extract specific slices of state from the global store. They enable components to access only the necessary data, promoting efficiency and reducing unnecessary re-renders.

Final words

Implementing state management in Angular through NgRx greatly enhances the structure and maintainability of your application. By centralizing state and utilizing a unidirectional data flow, NgRx facilitates more efficient updates and improved synchronization among components. This approach is particularly advantageous for developing responsive and dynamic user interfaces that promptly reflect state changes. As your application scales, leveraging NgRx ensures that user interfaces remain consistent and reliable, thereby elevating the overall user experience.

At DevCom, we bring extensive expertise in Angular development, offering tailored solutions that incorporate best practices like NgRx for state management. Our Angular Development Services are designed to create scalable, high-performance applications that meet your business needs. Whether you’re building complex enterprise systems or dynamic user-driven applications, our team ensures a seamless development process that optimizes performance and enhances user satisfaction.


1. Why do we need state management in Angular?

State management is essential in Angular applications to ensure that data is consistently available across components, reduce redundancy, and make the application easier to maintain and scale. Without proper state management, developers may face challenges such as data inconsistency, complex component interactions, and difficulty in debugging.

2. How does state management work in Angular?

State management for Angular ensures that data is shared and synchronized across various components in a predictable way. Libraries like NgRx enable centralized control of the state, using actions, reducers, and effects to handle state updates. Components interact with the store by dispatching actions and selecting pieces of state to render in the UI. This unidirectional data flow ensures a predictable and organized state management process.

3. How to use NgRx state management in Angular?

In NgRx, the type of action is crucial as it dictates how the state changes in response to events. Each action dispatched to the store carries a type that informs reducers on how to process it.

To use NgRx state management in Angular, start by installing the NgRx packages. Then, create a store by defining reducers and actions. After registering the store in the AppModule, Angular components can dispatch actions to update the state and use selectors to retrieve the current state for rendering in the UI, ensuring efficient and predictable state management.

Ihor Ilikh - Devcom Ihor Ilikh
Developer at DevCom

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